Offshore internet access in Clark: how reliable is it?

Offshore internet access in Clark: how reliable is it?
Mark Engelmann
Mark Engelmann
    2 minute read

A fast reliable internet connection is vital for a successful offshore strategy. From video conferencing to cloud based applications, daily business operations are near impossible without a strong internet connection, especially when offshore teams are involved. Slow internet means you’ll essentially be paying your employees to wait for pages and applications to load, blowing out costs in your business.

Naturally, one of the biggest concerns of outsourcing to foreign countries is internet infrastructure. One of the first questions you should ask your outsourcing provider is where their offices are located. We chose Clark in the Philippines as the home of Beepo HQ, for a multitude of reasons, including their excellent internet infrastructure.

Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines

Clark freeport zone was originally a U.S. military base and because of this Clark has world-class infrastructure and facilities. Once control of the area was handed over to the Philippines government they installed a world-class fiber optic backbone in the area. From this fiber optic backbone Clark has internet speed and reliability equal to, if not better than, the western world.

Clark is also the first city in the Philippines, and one of the first cities in the world to make 5G available. This is part of the regions’ plan to create a ‘City of the Future’. Not only is Clark a world-class business location, but it is also a region committed to the future and staying at the forefront of innovation.

Internet Access Offshore

Beepo has implemented a priority system for bandwidth within the office. Applications and programs are prioritised based of importance for clients. This guarantees optimal internet speeds for the most important job tasks. It also stops any non-work related internet usage from impacting internet speeds for the rest of the office.

Clark surpasses other offshoring hotspots when it comes to infrastructure and support for business enterprises. Read more about why Clark is the best outsourcing location in the Philippines.

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