New year, new business goals

New year, new business goals
Mark Engelmann
Mark Engelmann
    2 minute read

It’s a new year and that means new business goals to tackle! For many business owners, the new year is a great diving board for taking their business to the next level. Setting goals is the easy part. Setting the strategies that will help you reach your goals is where barriers begin to form.

Failing to plan…

You’ve heard it before. Failing to plan is planning to fail. It’s commonly cited that an overwhelming 92% of people fail to achieve their new year goals. Most people fall off the bandwagon due to a lack of proper planning. By taking the time to properly set goals, with clear objectives and strategies, you are far more likely to fall in with the 8% of people who succeed.

When planning your business goals for the new year, it’s important to consider SMART goal-setting. If you haven’t heard of SMART goals before, then you really need to get on board.

  • S - Specific. Your goals should be clear and unambiguous. Don’t be afraid of being too specific.
  • M - Measurable. If you can’t measure your success, how will you know if you’ve achieved your goal?
  • A - Achievable. Your goals should be achievable but provide enough of a challenge to extend you out of your comfort zone.
  • R - Relevant. Make sure that your goals align with where you want your business to head. Think about your vision and mission.
  • T - Timely. Give it a deadline and track your progress.

Choosing your strategies

Once you have your goals mapped out, it’s important to set the strategies that will guide you along the way. For example, if your business goal is to increase turnover, then your strategies might include, at a broad level:

  • Identifying and leveraging new opportunities
  • Growing your referral network
  • Data mining and analysis
  • Sales funnels

The strategies you implement should be well-planned and constructive, driving towards your goals in a practical sense.

Outsourcing as a strategic priority

Outsourcing offshore is a practical and sustainable strategy that can push you closer to your business goals. Whether you need to reduce overheads, improve processes, increase employee headcount, take on more clients, relieve the admin load, grow the rent roll, and more, outsourcing offshore can help tick the boxes that matter most in reaching your goals.

What’s holding you back?

If you’re struggling to get started, broaden your view with the top 10 offshore roles you need now to boost your capability and grow your margins.

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