If you’re in real estate and creating content just isn’t your thing, this blog is for you.
Here are ten story ideas that will help you engage with your audience a little better. Regardless of whether you want to write a blog, or shoot a short video, here are ten ideas to get you creating:
- Great reasons to sell or buy – opportunity always exists is the property market, regardless of whether it’s going up or down. Share your thoughts on smart buying and you’ll develop trust with your audience. You may inspire them to rethink their perceptions.
- How to choose a real estate agent – educate your readers on the questions to ask prospective agents and how to sort the wheat from the chaff. If you walk your talk, then articles on this topic will put you at the top of their list.
- How to prepare your home for sale - we all know sellers need help with this. There’s more to preparing a home than simply putting the kids’ toys away and stacking the dishwasher. Build trust with prospective sellers by guiding them through this important process.
- Hot buyer buttons - tap the excitement of a prospective seller by demonstrating your knowledge of what buyers love in today’s market. Is the trend for unrenovated properties, carpets or floorboards, new or old properties? Whatever it is, show how your local market that expertise will help a buyer achieve top dollar.
- Popular rental styles - love up your landlords and impress those on your database with your knowledge of how to prepare a property for rental, how to identify a good tenant and many other rental-focused hints and tips.
- Local architecture - every potential client wants an agent who knows not only property but the local area, such as schools, transport and even history. Articles about local building styles and architecture, and how they affect property prices and deliver return on investment, will help build your credibility.
- Off-the-plan tips - if you work in project marketing, articles that help a prospective buyer to understand how to buy “off-the-plan” can be powerful. Many will not know the differences between buying off-the-plan and a normal property purchase. They’ll thank you for pointing them out.
- Financing and lending - the nation has been in the middle of an upheaval in property finance for the past 18 months. Your ability to demonstrate knowledge and awareness of this challenge also builds credibility.
- Popular interior design styles - a great topic for those preparing their house for sale, or in the process of buying from you. This is an especially hectic time for your clients, so your insight into practical and desirable interior design approaches will be valuable.
- Difference between a conveyancer and solicitor - the subtleties of buying property is often lost on buyers. What is conveyancing exactly and who does it? Don’t assume your clients and prospects know this, or have retained the information from their last purchase. Demonstrating that you understand the buying process from top to tail will be a winner with those unsure of who to select as their agent.
Remember, keep your stories short, sharp and interesting - they should be educational and informative.
To ensure you are delivering the right content for your audience, check out this blog.
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