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    Sourcing and recruiting locally (its a thing of the past)

    Sourcing and recruiting locally (its a thing of the past)
    Gary Culverhouse
        2 minute read

    Hiring staff with specialist skills locally is often expensive and, depending on the skill set, certain roles can be difficult to source. Businesses are now searching globally for specialist skills, and often for a fraction of the price.

    COVID-19 has had a significant impact on businesses of all sizes. However, there are a number of lessons that many businesses are taking away from the unprecedented changes they have been required to make to remain operational - one of which is the benefit of creating a leaner operating model. Many businesses have been forced to implement a remote element into their business with staff working from home, and have realised how effective it can be if done right.

    Here are a few of the primary reasons why organisations are now looking globally for specialist talent:

    1. Difficulties associated with sourcing specific skills

      Searching for a specialist skill set locally, particularly outside of the major cities can be extremely difficult. This often results in businesses having to make compromises regarding the skill set of a candidate which has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the role and alignment to its original objective. Hiring globally gives businesses the opportunity to source from a much larger talent pool, which makes it easier for them to find the right person for the job.

    2. Technology makes it easy

      Thanks to the advancement of cloud based technology, managing remote staff has never been easier. Businesses are using online communication tools such as Zoom and Skype to communicate with their team members. Online project management tools such as Monday and Asana are also utilised to ensure deliverables are being met and everyone is on track with their tasks - optimising productivity and output. Thanks to tech, it’s no longer necessary for you to sit in the same office as your team. All you need is a reliable internet connection, a computer and a webcam.

    3. Nailing your business objectives

      When compromises are made in sourcing local talent, it can impact efficiency and output - steering away from the original objective of the role. By tapping into a global talent pool and significantly broadening candidate options, an organisation can be confident they are ticking those all important boxes in terms of skill set, nailing the objective of the role and therefore maximising output.

    4. Local talent can be expensive

      Australia has a costly and highly regulated workforce meaning wages can often exceed resourcing budgets in many organisations. On the flip side, sourcing staff in a global talent pool also means tapping into lower cost economies and as a result, more cost efficient wages. Hiring globally can also significantly reduce the many costs associated with HR which in turn, frees up funds to reinvest back into organisational growth. Outsourcing staff in the Philippines is an example of hiring staff in a low cost economy. Outsourcing was traditionally reserved for larger companies and call centres. However, in recent times, outsourcing has been adapted by organisations of all sizes to hire global specialist talent for a fraction of the price.

    Want to learn more about the global outsourcing industry?

    Read the following eBook for an insight into the outsourcing industry - see what sort of tasks and roles are appropriate for a remote setting.